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   ①   その夫婦の本国法が同じであるときはその本国法(共通本国法)

   ②   共通本国法は無いがその夫婦の常居所地法が同じであるときはその常居所地法(共通常居所地法)

   ③   共通本国法、共通常居所地法のいずれも無いときはその夫婦と最も密接な関係のある地の法律(密接関連地法)となります(法の適用に関する通則法25条、27条)。


Divorce between foreign nationals in Japan – Applicable Law of Divorce

If one party is a Japanese residing in Japan, the Japanese civil code applies. How about a couple who are both foreign nationals? Article 27 applied the same provisions as in Article 25, regarding the effectiveness of marriage. According to article 25,

(1) If both party’s home country law is the same, then according that law applies.

(2) If there is no such law, if the couple have a common place of domicile, the law of that country applies.

(3) If neither the above are applicable, then the law of the country the couple has the closest tie to shall apply.

Therefore, if for example, a couple of differing nationalities resides in Japan, even if neither one may be a Japanese national, the Japanese civil code will apply. In cases such as this where the Japanese civil code is applicable, divorce by consent can take place. *Kobori, S. 2008. Living with the Japanese Law A Guide for Foreign Nationals in Japan Q&A107 The 3er edition. Japan: T Sakai.

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