Thank you, Select USA 2014 Program
To Whom It May Concern.
It was my pleasure to have met you at Select USA 2014 Program.
Our law firm was established in 2012 by an attorney with multiple experiences in representing for Japanese enterprises and private individuals with various cases. We always aspire for a skilled law firm in international commercial field.
We have been offering consultations for Japanese small-to-midsize firms of many lines of business trying to make their way to American market. Each time we have provided them with various information with free of charge. If possible I would like your assistance when certain inquiries arise from our clients. Your valuable advice will be most appreciated as I wish to provide the most appropriate information.
I look forward to seeing again.
Hirama Total Law Office
Person in charge Kitamura
〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号 白金アエルシティ 白金タワー テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所 弁護士 平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)
最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分

Photographing place – Washington, DC