Archive for the ‘入管関連’ Category

Procedures of Foreigners’ Entry (Landing)


When foreigners enter Japan with their passport & visa

Foreigners show their passport & visa at the port of entry/departure, and apply for landing by providing ID information with their fingerprints as well as face (except special permanent residents).

Immigration officers conduct landing inspection by checking the passport, visa and entry card.

The seal of landing permit = visa status and period of stay is determined at the same time.

Foreigners are able to involve themselves in activities and ordinary social activities within the permitted scope of their determined visa status. Period of stay is determined for less than 3 years and it is according to the visa status except for “diplomatic visa”, “official visa” or “permanent residence visa”.

Our charges differ according to your status, the degree of difficulty, number of applicants, etc.
For details, please contact our office.

Telephone number: (+81)3-5447-2011 / Fax number: (+81)3-5447-2012

Name: Tamio Hirama, Attorney-at Law

Address: Hirama Total Law Office

Shirokane Tower Terrace 4th, 17-2, 1-chome, Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Photographing place – Washington, DC

Attorney’s Representative for Entry & Resident Visa Procedures


In accordance to Immigration Control Law and Refugee Recognition Law, visa procedures of immigration control can be classified in following four categories:

The most involvements as an attorney are:

Due to the revision of the provisions, authority of attorney’s representative for entry and residence procedures is confirmed, so that attorneys, who notified to the chief of local Immigration Bureau via Attorney’s Association are able to apply for any visa applications without having applicants’ appearance.

Telephone number: (+81)3-5447-2011 / Fax number: (+81)3-5447-2012

Name: Tamio Hirama, Attorney-at Law

Address: Hirama Total Law Office

Shirokane Tower Terrace 4th,17-2, 1-chome, Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Photographing place – Washington, DC






〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分


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