Archive for the ‘入管関連’ Category







〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)







〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

撮影場所  –  地下鉄駅内  (ワシントンD.C.  コロンビア特別区)




   ①   入管法70条1項4号、73条により、上記のような資格外活動を専ら行っていると明らかに認められる者には3年以下の懲役もしくは禁錮または300万円以下の罰金、専ら行っていると明らかに認められないが資格外活動を行った者には1年以下の懲役もしくは禁錮または200万円以下の罰金が科されます(懲役等と罰金が併科されることもあります)。

   ②   資格外活動を専ら行っていると明らかに認められる場合には、退去強制事由にも該当します(入管法24条4号イ)。また、専ら行っているとまでは認められない場合でも禁錮以上の刑に処せられた場合には、退去強制事由に該当します(入管法24条4号ヘ)。

When a foreign national intends to engage in an activity to operate profit-making businesses or an activity for receiving consideration other than the activity permitted under his/her status of residence, he/she must obtain permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under* the status of residence previously granted, in advance.

The following passage was quoted from a Immigration Bureau of Japan web site: (

*See the following ‘Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted’ Immigration Bureau of Japan web site: ( for further information.

〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

撮影場所  –  地下鉄駅内  (ワシントンD.C.  コロンビア特別区)





〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分






〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分


2014年6月18日 公布された法令に関するお知らせ



〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分


Notification of Marriage for Foreigners Living in Japan

言語: 日本語 English

When a foreigner submits a Notification of Marriage to local city or town office, it is necessary to prepare documents such as “Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (kon-in youken gubi shoumeisho)”. The “Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage” is a document to prove one’s eligibility to marry. The document is issued at the embassy of one’s nationality.

For example, in case an American national (other than military personnel) who wishes to submit the Notification of Marriage in Japan, the American Embassy will issue an English form of “Certification of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage”. Since this document will be submitted to the local city or town office in Japan, you will need to have the document translated into Japanese. Furthermore, you will require two witnesses.

It is also required to show your passport. Since a foreigner has no family registration, marriage matter will be written on the Residence Card. When you notify your marriage to your embassy, have local city or town office issue the “Certificate of Marriage Acceptance” or “Certificate of Record Acceptance (in case of Britain)” and attach them with other documents.

On the contrary, in case a Japanese national marries with a foreign national in a foreign country, you need to have the family register and translate it into English (depending on the country, some require an Authentication and Apostille, and “Certification of Consulate” in Japan), and submit it together with other documents. Be aware that the documents to submit differ in accordance with each country.

Above procedures concerning marriage differ according to the international treaties (Hague Convention, etc.), also law and system of each country. Since the procedures may change from time to time, you need to check the latest information on the embassy’s website.

Hirama Total Law Office can assist you to apply for official seal verifications, apostille and translation of your documents.

Please feel free to consult with us.
Method of Contact: Here



Language: 日本語 English






〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分






〒108-0072東京都港区白金一丁目17番2号  白金アエルシティ  白金タワー  テラス棟4階
ひらま総合法律事務所  弁護士  平間民郎(Tel:03-5447-2011)

最寄り駅;東京メトロ南北線/都営 三田線 「白金高輪駅」 4番出口から直通で徒歩1分


Visa, Permanent Residence, Naturalization


There are so many people saying, “I should have consulted with you much earlier” or “I should have asked for your representation much sooner.” If you have been hesitating to consult or afraid of visiting attorneys, please contact our law firm. Tell us your problem.

A person who has a good understanding and generosity toward cross-culture (differences of laws, societies, family concepts, communication methods, etc.) in particular giving special consideration on foreigners’ over-stay, supporting applicant and related parties in their weak position.

   The amount of starting fee and basic charge differ depending on the case.
(Please inquire for the details.)

   ※Telephone consultation is not offered.

   Make an Appointment. Please click to here

The list of Status of Residence

Annexed Table1-1

Status of ResidenceActivies authorized to engage inPeriod of stay
DiplomatActivities on the part of constituent members of diplomatic missions or consular offices of foreign governments hosted by the Government of Japan; activities on the part of those who are provided with similar privileges and/or immunities as are given to diplomatic missions in accordance with treaty or international customary praetices; and activities on the part of their family members belonging to the same household.during mission
OfficialActivities on the part of those who engage in official business of foreign government or international organization recognized by the government of Japan; and activities on the part of their family members belonging to the same house hold (excluding the activities described in this table’s “Diplomat” column)during mission
ProfessorActivities for research, direction of research or education at college, equivalent educational lnstitutions or “Kotosenmongakkou”3 years or 1 year
ArtistActivities for the arts that provide income, including music, the fine arts, literature, etc. (excluding the activities described in the “Entertainer” column of Table(2)).3 years or 1 year
Religious ActivitiesMissionary and other religious activities conducted by members of foreign religious organizations.3 years or 1 year
JournalistNews coverage and other journalistic activities conducted on the basis of a contract with foreign journalistic organizations.3 years or 1 year

There is more. Please inquire for the details.

External link(Immigration Bureau of Japan)

Telephone number: (+81)3-5447-2011 / Fax number: (+81)3-5447-2012
Name: Tamio Hirama, Attorney-at Law
Address: Hirama Total Law Office
Shirokane Tower Terrace 4th,
17-2, 1-chome, Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo

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